Friday 15 February 2008

Adventure adding subject MMU way~

Since one of my subject class clashing with another subject, i have to add subject to add subject manually in MMU?

Step 1 - walk to exam unit office

Step 2 - get exam slip from the counter (jumpa akak lawa tp garang) - b4 this they put forms outside office like bank forms, separate from u have to ask at the counter for the form...i think they apply this method bcoz forms keep on finish...yalah every student took 4 to 5 forms...kalo dh 100 students...500 forms!

student2 nie ambik byk2 utk buat bekalan sampai grad lh...nk jln exam unit jauhh wooo, i hv friend ambik sampai 20 forms kot or lebih...alasan ambik utk kwn2...hahaha

still remember aritu pegi exam unit psl ader problem AA (refer previous post)...this one person help add subjects for his friends...dia kena sound wooo dgn akak garang tu...firstly dia sound psl jdk kuli kwn2 dia (tlg smpai 4 kwn skaligus)...secondly psl borang edition dia isi tu dh tak wujud lagi...skrg dh form baru...dh guna kertas lawa bak kata akak garang tu...kantoi plak mamat nie ambik borang byk dulu2 hohoho...tak psl2 kena ceramah free

Step 3 - fill up the form (since the online registration already idea wat to write...used this opportunity to ask pretty girl in class for the lecture/tutorial codes and credit hours of the subject...hehe)

Step 4 - get lecture sign

Step 5 - go to fcm office for faculty approval

Step 6 - fcm office cleark said need appeal letter (sejak bila plak nk kena ader surat nie...aku tgk org2 lain ramai jr xder pun kena buat surat rayuan...malang tul nasib aku)

Step 7 - tension walk back hostel

Step 8 - Write letter at room pc (no idea how to write)

Step 9 - walk back to fcm office

Step 10 - fcm office cleark said need lecture stamp (damn...apsal lh x ckp awal2 td...bole jumpa lecture tu sat)

Step 11 - search lecture room...lucky they put up the lecture names and rooms number on wall

Step 12 - go to lecture room...57*8, top floor...lucky got lift

Step 13 - at top floor - cant find the room...aikkk rasanya td tgk no bilik lecture tu 57*8...bila dh kat top floor nie...all rooms start with 4***...walk 2 rounds searching lecture room at staff rooms area (double check)

Step 14 - dissapointed and angry go back to fcm office

Step 15 - recheck lecture room - fuckkk salah tengok...57*8 was telephone number extension...the lecture room actually 40*5...tension and leave the fcm office again

Step 16 - go back to search lecture room - again lucky got lift...if not pancit naik turun tangga...tinggi wooo
fu fu fuuu naik lift kalinie skali ngan awek indon junior...lawa siot...diorg satu geng pun nk add subjects...mula2 ingatkn chinese psl muka cam chinese girl...bila dia borak ngan kwn2 dia...kluar bahasa Indonesia dia...seksi siot bila dengar dia ckp slang tu huhuhu

Step 17 - find room, knock door n met the lecture - fuuuhhh lucky lecturer in the room (sempat lecturer tu tanya dh kahwin ker psl pakai inai kat jari...nk jer jwp kat lecture tu "inai nie maksudnya i'm a romantic person")...huhu

Step 18 - go back to fcm office

Steo 19 - finally got the faculty sign approval

Step 20 - walk to exam unit - letih...letih...jauh siot brjalan....on da way tu senyum kat mane2 org yg kenal

Step 21 - lucky got lift - lol rmai2nya lmbt add subject...lift penuh

Step 22 - aper lagi...beratur kat kaunter yg awek garang tp lawa tu lah (actually bukan awek...dh jdk bini mrs lh)

Step 23 - serahkn borang...answers few question from her (langsung x senyum siot awek garang nie)

Finally the process easy n simple as that ;)
come n try add subject manually guys...great experince...hehe :-}


Travis T said...

I FEEL YOU SIA! kimak susah tul.

Travis T said...

I FEEL YOU SIA! kimak susah tul.